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The Original Voice of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine
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Little Lights Fight Cancer Treatment Damage
Common Drug Ends Phobia Four Times Faster
More on Sight Restored By Stem Cells
Update on Canadian Stem Cell Legislation
State Lottery Funding Regenerative Medicine
Aubrey de Grey on Aging
Partial Success In Stem Cell Blindness Therapy
Brazilians Replicate Heart Stem Cell Successes
Stem Cells To Lung Cells
APLS On Healthy Life Extension
Why Aging Cells Lose Self-Repair Ability
Stem Cells, Problems of Choice and Funding
Stem Cell Transplants Cure Crohn's Disease
Cardiovascular Disease Begins in Childhood
Scientists Link Gene to Obesity
Gene May Increase Osteoporosis Risk
`Nanoshells` Destroy Cancer Without Damaging Healthy Cells
The Front Lines of Cancer Vaccine Research
Obesity Hormone Linked to Arthritis
UN Theraputic Cloning Ban Debate Gets Messier
Dodging a Bullet at the UN
Dramatic Increase in the Number of Centenarians
Outlook Is Improving, More Can Be Done
Adult Stem Cell Research Progress
Looking Forward to Anti-Aging Pills
Ronald Bailey on Supplements, FDA, LEF
California Approves Stem Cell Research
The War Over Anti-Aging Medicine
Slight Funding For Stem Cell Research
Israel Stem Cell Therapy Consortium Underway
Regenerative Medicine Gaining Recognition
Canadian Stem Cell Debate Continues
More On Cleveland Stem Cell Center
Women's Longevity Due to Avoidance of Risk
Exercise Is Key At All Ages
Australians Repeat Heart Stem Cell Successes
Posthetics Advance Alongside Regenerative Medicine
Pauling Institute Funded To Study Aging
Dr. Steven Austad Honored
Nanomedicine Aims At Cancer Cure By 2015
Emphasising The Importance of Exercise Again
Australians Also Working On Stem Cell Therapies for Blin
Trading Donuts For Decades
Scaffolds Aid Regenerative Medicine Research
Nanomedicine Volume II Published
UN Seeks Global Theraputic Cloning Ban
The Road To Regeneration
Suspended Animation Permit Hearing
Finding Out What Makes Stem Cells Special
More On UN Global Theraputic Cloning Ban