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German Brewery to Launch Anti-Aging Beer
Effect of Exercise on Hormone Levels Depends Upon Exercise
Eat Less, Exercise More, Live Longer
Being Fit Significantly Lowers Diabetics' Risk of Death
Testosterone Replacement Therapy OK for Precancerous Prostate
A Third of US Children Tuck Into Fast Food Every Day
Detroit Takes Title of Fattest City from Houston
New SARS Case Confirmed in China
Experimental Cancer Vaccine Reduces Tumor Activity
Antiperspirants in Breast Cancer Scare
Too Much Vitamin D Raises Prostate Cancer Risk
Vitamin D May Protect Against Rheumatoid Arthritis
US Cancer Deaths Fall
Healthcare Review Reveals Successes and Weaknesses
Cohabiting Best for Men`s Mental Health Marriage Best for Women
UN Compromises and Delays Work on Human Cloning Treaty
First Deer Cloned by Researchers at Texas A&M
Couch Potatoes Should Avoid Vigorous Exercise
Some Cases of Alzheimer`s Caused by Wiring Fault
US Bans Weight Loss Supplement Ephedra
Expert Panel Lists Drugs Seniors Should Avoid
Red Wine Molecule May Protect Brain from Alzheimer`s
Molecule Inhibits Deadly Anthrax Toxin
Supplements Containing Soy Isoflavones Don't Benefit Arteries
Scientists Turn Back Clock on Adult Cells
Scientists Measure Pollution in Humans
Real Risk of `Economy Class Syndrome` Revealed
Celebrex May Actually Improve Osteoarthritis
Alzheimer's Cause Pinpointed?
Secrets of Cancer Metastasis
Can Saliva Hormone Tests Help You?
Saliva Testing of Hormones
Viruses as building blocks for bionanotechnology
New York Times article on dying
[ News ] Tricked Brain Cells Live Hours without Oxygen
Study anticipates a nanotechnology diagnostic revolutio
Prion proteins may store memories
[ News ] Transhuman Space
Australian Legislation Blocks Research
Oxidative Stress and Aging
Immortality Institute Book Submission Deadline on the 15th
Presidential Candidate Stem Cell Positions
More on New Jersey Stem Cell Politics
Stem Cell Policies and Players
South Korea To Restrict Stem Cell Research
NJ Stem Cell Law Finally Signed
Lieberman Would Repeal Bush Stem Cell Restrictions
Gene Linked to Growth Hormone Action
Resveratrol and Calorie Restriction
Psoriasis Gene Finding Offers Hope for Drug Treatment