Pomegranate, a rich source of antioxidants, has been linked to improved heart health, and a growing body of science indicates the fruit may exert anti-cancer properties. Liwei Gu, from University of Florida (Florida, USA), have found that punicalagins, compounds from pomegranate, self-assemble into nanoparticles with gelatin. The loading efficiency of punicalagin A and punicalagin B in the particles was 94% and 84%, respectively, whereas the loading capacity of the particles for these compounds (without nanoparticles) was 15 and 26%, respectively. Having produced the nanoparticles, the team tested them against a line of leukemia cells, where they demonstrated efficacy at stopping the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Pomegranate Compounds May Exert Anti-Cancer Benefits
Nanoparticulated punicalagins, bioactive compounds from pomegranate, exhibit efficacy at stopping the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Zheng Li, Susan S. Percival, Suzanna Bonard, Liwei Gu. “Fabrication of nanoparticles using partially purified pomegranate ellagitannins and gelatin and their apoptotic effects.” Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, Volume 55, Issue 4, April 2011.