Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeBehaviorAddictionIgnored Science: Wi-Fi Increases Risk Of Brain Cancer

Ignored Science: Wi-Fi Increases Risk Of Brain Cancer

Although fairly new Wi-Fi has become something that most people canu2019t imagine living without, and some canu2019t work without it. Studies are taking a look at what it is doing to health, and have shown it to increase risks of brain cancer and a variety of other illnesses.

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields have been classified as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This means Wi-Fi ranks up there with lead, DDT, and chloroform, this classification was made by the group, which is part of W.H.O, after careful assessment of extensive scientific evidence “based on increased risk for glioma associated with wireless phone use.”

All this exposure to mobile devices, smart meters, smart devices, and other Wi-Fi technologies is of no doubt bad for us, and even worse for children. An analysis of studies found infants, children, and teens to have higher risk for cancer than adults from exposure to such devices, some of which estimated their risk of developing brain cancer from RF/EMF exposure to be 4 times higher than adults, as published in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure. Children don’t have as much protection from this exposure as adults due to their smaller bodies and skulls being thinner leaving their more absorbent brain tissue more exposed. Unborn children are at their most vulnerable, pregnant women should take extra care. It is law in some countries for pregnant women to wear protective clothing to protect the developing baby in certain areas.

Instruction manuals that come with mobile devices mention these risks, but just like warranties, contracts, agreements, terms and conditions, and most other fine print very few people actually read them. Telecommunication lobbyists efforts backed by deep pockets are also effective at keeping the public from being fully informed on how dangerous exposure can be.

A link between EMF and brain cancer as well as cancer of the salivary glands has been shown in studies. Women who keep their mobile devices in their bras have higher risks for breast cancer, and exposure has been linked to other problems such as miscarriages, anxiety, depression, migraines, ADHD, chronic fatigue, and low sperm count.

EMF depolarizes membranes protecting nerve and muscles tissues allowing the cells to sustain damage, these EMFs are cytotoxic and genotoxic and can damage nearly every one of the body’s systems. Due to this technology being so new the true long term extent of these damages won’t be completely obvious until more time has passed, however what we know already is very troubling.

Wi-Fi continues to get faster and stronger which tends to make the RF/EMF exposure rates even higher, now with the untested 5G poised to take over we could be facing the onslaught of a whole new slew of health problems.

To recommend just cutting off use of wireless mobile devices is hardly practical, and the issue of Wi-Fi still being in the air whether being online or not remains a question. That being said there are things you can do to limit exposure such as: disabling wireless connections when not in use; keep mobile device use to a minimum; use landlines to make calls whenever possible; use speaker phone when needing to have a talk on mobile devices; use wired connections wherever possible for keyboards/mice/printers/internet access on any device; turn the router off at night; and most importantly try to keep mobile devices out of the bedroom when you sleep.

Women should never keep a mobile device in their bra, it’s actually a good idea to keep them as far away from your person as possible and use a case. Microwave ovens should be used sparingly, try to refuse a smart meter and get a shield if you can’t. Smart appliances may seem like a good idea, but they just add to the problem and are best to be avoided.

It is true that Wi-Fi can make lives somewhat easier, but at what cost is it acceptable as they can also shorten lives if not careful. With use becoming more frequent and signals stronger it would be wise to do everything possible to minimize Wi-Fi and EMF exposure to protect your family from any possible irreparable harm.


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