Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeMental HealthDepressionAdequate Sleep Improves Quality of Life

Adequate Sleep Improves Quality of Life

Sleeping for 6-9 hours nightly not only improves self-rated quality of life, but lowers the personu2019s scores of depression.

While previous studies have associated excessive and/or short sleep durations with increased risks of death, researchers from Cleveland Clinic (Ohio, USA) reveal findings on how sleep duration af¬fects quality of life and depression. Charles Bae and colleagues analyzed records collected on 10,654 patients, mean age of about 52 years. A standardized questionnaire assessed quality of life, and a screening tool rated depression. People with a “normal” sleep duration of six to nine hours per night had higher self-reported scores for quality of life and lower scores for depression severity , as compared to as compared to short sleepers (less than 6 hours nightly) and long sleepers (more than 9 hours per night). Further, among patients who reported having perfect health, there were a higher percentage of normal sleepers, who also had significantly lower scores for depression severity compared to short and long sleepers with perfect health. The researchers conclude that: “Short and long sleepers have a lower quality of life and screen higher for depression.”

Bae C, Jehi L, Novak E, Obuchowski N, Katzan I.  “Effect of Total Sleep Time on Quality of Life and Depression” (Abstract #771).  Presented at SLEEP 2011 (Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies), June 14, 2011.


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