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Stopping Ebola - The Ayurvedic Approach...

By Health_Freedoms at Oct. 22, 2014, 9:20 a.m., 22882 hits

Water With Life - How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Note from Tim Bolen: Big Pharma would have us all believe, through their
stranglehold on US media, that the drugs, vaccines, drugs, vaccines, drugs,
and more drugs and vaccines approach is ALL there is in the world. But the
fact is, there are MANY other approaches to health care on planet earth.
Ayurvedic Medicine, for instance, has been around for over three thousand
years, so read THIS interesting approach to dealing with Ebola…

TR Shantha MD is a former client of mine who, after a major assault on his
practice, completely cleared his name - although you'd never know it from's article on him. You can read about that situation here.

By: Dr. T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA

Saturday, October 18th, 2014

The news about Ebola and its possible fatal end is everywhere in the news -
created by many hypochondriacs. The virus is deadly and spreads only by
contact with body fluids. Once the person gets the infection, their life
hangs on a thin thread. Mortality from the infection is as high as
50%-60%. Another deadly disease that kills about 35,000 people in the
east, mostly young, is rabies, which is 100% fatal compared to 40-60%
mortality by Ebola virus infection. Ebola will be and is curable, but not

Coming back to Ebola, it does not spread by air or touching people. It
spreads only through body fluids contact, and use of contaminated needles
and from animals to humans eating contaminated meat.

Two Americans flown from Liberia walked out of the Emory hospital after
receiving an experimental vaccine with intensive care. An NBC camera
operator is currently receiving an experimental drug called brincidofovir,
or CMX001 for treatment of Ebola. Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person
diagnosed with Ebola in the United States died, 10 days after he was
admitted this month to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.

There is no vaccine or cure in sight for this dreaded disease. What is the
mother to do if one has the Ebola infection! One desperate treatment with
vaccine has resulted in some successes. That kind of vaccine used on two US
citizens is not available to all in Africa.

The signs and symptoms after the Ebola virus infection are:

1. Up to first 9 days: the infected person suffers from fatigue,
headache, fever with chills.
2. On day 10: develops high fever, vomiting blood, rash and passive
3. On day 11: in some cases, there is bleeding from the nose, mouth,
eyes and anus.
4. On day 12: develop seizures, internal bleeding, gradually lose
consciousness, and death or recovers slowly.

Some patients have gotten blood transfusions from Ebola survivors, with the
hope that a survivor's antibodies will help a sick person's immune system
fight off the virus. Good supportive care also saves many lives. This
consists of the routine care provided in American hospitals and intensive
care units, such as monitoring patient's blood pressure, keeping them
hydrated, helping them breathe – with machines, as needed. This help can
keep patients alive until their immune system fights off the invading virus
or succumbs to the Ebola virus infection.

My therapy to curtail and cure the Ebola virus infection is simple and
inexpensive besides taking all preventive measures to come in contact. It
is a precursor of a vaccine with production of auto-antibodies within the
body of the infected patients.

Ro read the entire article, click on:

Tim Bolen

— Last Edited by Health_Freedoms at 2014-10-22 09:43:06 —

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