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The Original Voice of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine
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Lutein Helps Eyes
Eye Drops May Remove Need for Cataract Surgery
Ear Cells Could Help to Restore Hearing
Carotenoids Found to Protect against Cataracts
Vegetarian Diet May Affect Sex Drive
Asthma Can Affect Sex Life
Aging and Menopause to Blame for Womens Sexual Decline
Vitamin C Reduces Signs of Aging
Scientists Develop Cream that Repairs Sun Damage
Scientists Create Ageless Skin
Protein that Makes Skin Stretchy Could Help Treat Emphysema
Gene Discovery Could Lead to New Anti-Aging Skin Treatments
Curry Spice Found to Speed Wound Healing
Adding Vitamins to Skin Care Products Proves Beneficial
Middle of the Night Wakening Affects Body Clock for Several Days
Losing Just a Few Hours Sleep Can Have Dramatic Affects upon Hor
Good Nights Sleep Improves Performance of New Skills
Brain Music Soothes Away Anxiety and Promotes Sleep
A Good Nights Sleep May be the Key to Long Life
Stressful Job May Be Hazardous To Health
Stress Linked to Memory Loss
Should Stress Be Classed as a Disease?
Short-Term Stress May Have Long-Term Effects on Neurons
Self-Hypnosis Beats Stress
Herbs Offer Relief from Stress-Related Insomnia
Study Suggests that Cigarettes and Coffee Increase Risk of Rare
Snake Venom For Stroke
Researchers Find Link between Ulcer-Causing Bacteria and Stroke
Prozac May Aid Stroke Patients Recovery
New Injection to Treat Stroke Victims on the Way
Many Clueless about Stroke Early Warning Signs
Low Body Temperature Linked to Long-Term Stroke Survival
Ice Baths Limit Stroke Damage
Gum Disease Increases Risk of Stroke
Few Americans Fear Stroke
Eye Picture Predicts Stroke Risk
Eating Fruit and Vegetables Prevents Strokes
Eating Bananas May Help to Reduce Stroke Risk
Drug Aids Recovery for Stroke Victims
DHA May Prevent Stroke Related Brain Damage
Dental X-Rays Predict Stroke Risk
Brain Can Rewire After Stroke
Aspirin Lowers Stroke-Related Damage
Apples May Lower Risk of Stroke
Warming Patients Before Surgery Cuts Infection Rate
Surgical Errors Skyrocket
Patients with type O blood face longest odds in getting new orga
Patients Warned to Stop Taking Herbal Supplements Before Surgery
Music Speeds Up Recovery from Surgery
Hypnosis Could Cut Cost of Surgery