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The Original Voice of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine
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Body mass index and colon cancer: ...
Comparison of hormonal activity (estrogen, androgen and proge...
Activation of the lactogenic activity of human growth hormone...
scl-1, that Regulates Longevity and Stress Resistance ...
The endocrine regulation of aging by insulin-like signals.
Effect of GH and IGF-I treatment on reproduction, growth, and ..
Unequal Impact Of Short-Term Testosterone Repletion ...
Body Composition And Quality Of Life ...
Two Years Of Replacement Therapy In Adults With GH Deficiency
Calorigenic Effects on Growth Hormone:Role of Thyroid Hormone
Acromegaly and Cancer: Not a Problem?
Effects Of GH And/Or Sex Steriod Administration On ...
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I And Cognitive Function ...
Effects of (GH) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 on Prostate ...
Two Years of Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment Increases Mineral ...
The Growth Hormone (GH)-Releasing Hormone-GH-Insulin-Like...
Withdrawal of Long-Term Physiological Growth Hormone (GH) ...Wit
The Effects Of 10 Years Of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone
Advances in Recombinant (HGH) Replacement Therapy
Evolution: dwarf model systems to healthy centenarians?
Conditional tradeoffs between aging and organismal performance
Scientists Finish Human Genome Project
DNA Chip Could Helps Docs Pick Best Drug for Patient
US Scientists Develop Light-Sensitive Microchip to Help the Blin
New Brain Chips to Speed Drug Development
Chips Give Doctors Instant Access to Medical History
Jet Engine Technology Used to Develop Blood Pressure Microchip
MIT Scientist Creates Liver on a Silicon Chip
Human Cloning Impossible Say US Researchers
Weight During Young Adulthood Has Big Impact Upon Longevity
Chronic Back Pain Linked to Brain Shrinkage
New Study Results Strengthens Link between Light-Drinking and De
Whole Grain Breakfast Cereals Cut Mens Risk of Death
Higher Education May Reduce Risk of Mental Decline
Eating Little Meat Linked to Longevity
Common Weed May Boost Memory
New Pill to Rival Viagra Launched in Europe
Even Just Trying to Lose Weight Lengthens Life
Eating Breakfast May Help Prevent Obesity and Diabetes
Man Given Double Forearm-Hand Transplant
Ginseng May Improve Stroke-Related Dementia
Low-Calorie Diet May Keep Brain Sharp
Paint Pigment Prussian Blue Could Protect Citizens from a "Dirty Bomb" attack.
Dolly the Cloned Sheep Dies
Protein May Prevent Stroke Damage
Berries are Rich Source of Disease Fighting Plant Antioxidant
Poor Sleep Linked to Increased Death Risk for Seniors
Scientists Set to Grow Human Bone Outside the Body
Blood Test May be Able to Predict Longevity
An Active Body Equals a Healthy Mind