Monday, January 13, 2025
HomeTranshumanismCloningUN Close To Banning Therapeutic Cloning

UN Close To Banning Therapeutic Cloning

As reported at BioMed Central, the United Nations is once again close to banning therapeutic cloning - an effort backed by the current US administration. "A coalition of 125 scientific and patients' groups urged the United Nations on Wednesday to reject a global ban on stem cell research sought by the Bush administration and more than 50 other countries.

As reported at BioMed Central, the United Nations is once again close to banning therapeutic cloning – an effort backed by the current US administration. “A coalition of 125 scientific and patients’ groups urged the United Nations on Wednesday to reject a global ban on stem cell research sought by the Bush administration and more than 50 other countries.” Any ban on therapeutic cloning also blocks much of the most promising stem cell research into cures for age-related conditions. While countries like the UK are unlikely to sign, it would be a blow to supporters of freedom in scientific research. I strongly urge you to contact your elected representatives and demand that they oppose this anti-research treaty agreement.

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