HomeHormones & Pharmacological AgentsSodium Oxybate (Gamma hydroxy butyrate - GHB)

Sodium Oxybate (Gamma hydroxy butyrate – GHB)

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Sodium Oxybate (SO) is one of the more controversial anti-aging drugs available today. Normally referred to as GHB its effects (as well as its reputation) are varied and wide. SO has developed a rather difficult reputation as a drug of abuse. Low to medium doses have been used to treat alcohol withdrawal and as a mild general anesthetic.


Sodium Oxybate (SO) is one of the more controversial
anti-aging drugs available today. Normally referred to as GHB its effects (as well as
its reputation) are varied and wide. SO has developed a
rather difficult reputation as a drug of abuse. Low to
medium doses have been used to treat alcohol withdrawal
and as a mild general anesthetic. Medium doses may act as a relaxant. At high doses SO may be
a potent stimulator of human growth
, as well as a very powerful sleep agent. SO has been noted to double concentrations of dopamine in the brain and
appears to inhibit the release of dopamine from nerve endings without preventing the manufacture
of dopamine. Although not sufficiently studied clinically,
SO is reported to have a significant effect on the libido in
both men and women.


SO’s anti-aging benefits may include reduced
fat levels, improved muscle mass and condition, deep REM sleep, treatment of insomnia and narcolepsy,
improved libido and sexual performance. It acts as a general
relaxant and soothing agent.



SO is available in liquid form in vials of 10ml,
50mg, 100mg, 30ml, and 140ml under the trade names Alcover, Gamma-oh and Somsanit. Refer to
dosage instructions on packaging, or use as directed by a


Do not exceed dosage instructions; overdose
of SO requires emergency medical treatment.


Side effects may include sudden sleep, dizziness,
nausea, vomiting, and headaches. At higher doses side effects may include a moderate slowing of the heart, small changes in blood pressure
and cardiac and respiratory depression and also, in a few
cases, muscle spasms or twitches as the patients enters
SO-induced sleep. Patients suffering from Cushing’s disease, convulsions, bradycardia, severe
cardiovascular problems, severe hypertension,
hyperprolactinemia, epilepsy, narcotic drug dependence,
individual hypersensitivity, or who are using depressants
should avoid SO. It should not be used with alcohol.

It would be highly advisable to ensure that
the patient informs his/her partner about the usage of SO. This will ensure that s/he does not
become frightened, if the patient either undergoes muscle
spasms/twitches before going into a deep sleep, a sleep from
which s/he is unlikely to be aroused for 2 to 4 hours.
Unfortunately SO has received a lot of bad press; this is likely due to people using the product
in an incorrect manner and under the wrong circumstances.
Furthermore, there is concern that since this is a “desired”
product,  nderground chemical factories are
producing impure, adulterated GHB (a situation which would be dangerous for any substance destined
for human consumption).