Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeMetabolic DysfunctionWeight and ObesityOne in 13 Deaths in EU Attributable to Excess Weight

One in 13 Deaths in EU Attributable to Excess Weight

A recent study by researchers at Spain's Universidad Aut

A recent study by researchers at Spain’s Universidad Autónoma de Madrid has revealed that one in 13 deaths in the 15 countries that make up the European Union is attributable to being overweight or obese. Dr Jose Ramon Banegas and colleagues estimate that at least 279,000 deaths each year could be attributed to excess weight, and the real number could be as high as 304,000. About 70% of these deaths were due to cardiovascular disease and 20% to cancer. However, Banegas noted that other diseases such as type 2 diabetes may also contribute to excess weight-related deaths. Banegas said. Overall, the weight-related deaths account for 7.7% of all deaths in the EU. France has the lowest percentage of deaths caused by excess weight (5.8%), while the UK has the highest (8.7%).

SOURCE/REFERENCE: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003;57:201-208


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