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New Procedure Helps People Lose Weight

Dr. Robert Ryder revealed his research with a new reversible non-surgical weight loss system called the EndoBarrier

Mid-September 2017, Portugal, at the yearly gathering of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Dr. Robert Ryder chief investigator for the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists’ revealed his research with a new reversible non-surgical weight loss system called the EndoBarrier. In Great Briton the term for Type 2 diabetic patients who are also very overweight is “diabesity.”

Ryders’ study indicates that this new device, a “sleeve” implanted in the small intestine under anesthesia, is both safe and effective. It could be utilized by the NHS – British National Health Service – soon. The goal is to provide a safe non-surgical weight loss system similar to gastric bypass, but in a reversible option; especially for diabetics. Unlike gastric bypass, this device can be removed after a year with no damage; plus it is cheaper and much less invasive for the patient than the bypass procedure. The sleeve-like device is 60 centimeters in length and stops food absorption in the first section of the small intestine. While not yet available in the US, the manufacturer, GI Dynamics Inc. out of Boston say it can only be used investigationaly here in the states.

in October 2014 Ryder opened a clinic in City Hospital in Birmingham in a large trial to prove its’ effectiveness. They selected 60 very difficult to treat Type 2 diabetic patients. The average person selected had lived with diabetes for 13 years and 17 of them were on insulin. They were also instructed on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

Of the 50 people that received the EndoBarrier, 31 of them had it removed after a years’ treatment. After removal 65% of the patients were able to maintain both weight loss and blood glucose stability. Not only did the patients lose weight, but they were able to decrease insulin doses, had more energy, exercised more and reported feeling much better overall. The average patient lost 33 pounds, lowered blood pressure, and decreased liver fat. Insulin utilization decreased 70%. 94% of the participants felt they could recommend this procedure. Along with high patient satisfaction, this outcome represents a definite success, Ryder

Co-director of the USC Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute, Dr. Thomas A. Buchanan states that long-term success with other systems of weight management are almost always unsustainable over time. However, he supports this work and is hopeful for the future for this less-invasive non-surgical approach for control of diabetes. Long-term effects are to be determined; he believes more research is needed.

When someone is diagnosed with type two diabetes they most likely have been “pre-diabetic” for 10-20 years, and have already sustained significant damage to their body, including the pancreas. Most patients are already obese upon the “discovery” they’re diabetic, and the downward spiral of health continues if not corrected. While medications and insulin manage the levels of insulin, they do not repair the existing pancreatic, cardio-vascular, peripheral neuropathy and Eyesite damage. Major metabolic and lifestyle changes are necessary to ameliorate glucose management, obesity, and organ damage; most of which is unsustainable for the average diabetic. Obesity is the major component however, and seems to be the most important condition to control and reduce.

The director of research for Diabetes UK, Dr. Elizabeth Robertson, seems to be cautiously supportive of the sleeve approach to obesity and diabetes control. However, she calls for more long-term studies on a larger scale before recommending full implementation in the UK.

Surgery news: Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes UK, Dr. Elizabeth Robertson

By: Dr. Michael J. Koch, Editor for www.WorldHealth.net and Dr. Ronald Klatz, DO, MD President of the A4M which has 28,000 Physician Members, and has trained over 150,000 physicians, health professionals and scientists around the world in the new specialty of Anti-Aging Medicine. A4M physicians are now providing advanced preventative medical care for over 10’s of Million individuals worldwide who now recognize that aging is no longer inevitable.


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