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Melatonin No Use for Combating Jet Lag

21 years, 9 months ago

14456  0
Posted on Sep 30, 2002, 5 a.m. By Bill Freeman

The popular jet lag cure melatonin does not work according to results of a new study. Travellers on long-haul flights who pass through several time zones often take the hormone in an attempt to rapidly reset the body clock and prevent jet lag, however, experiments on baboons has shown that the chemical does not alter the body's circadian rhythm.

The popular jet lag cure melatonin does not work according to results of a new study. Travellers on long-haul flights who pass through several time zones often take the hormone in an attempt to rapidly reset the body clock and prevent jet lag, however, experiments on baboons has shown that the chemical does not alter the body's circadian rhythm. The two-week long study showed that melatonin does not shift the circadian rhythm but does induce sleep when administered at night. Although it does not promote sleep during the day. Investigators believe that melatonin's alleged ability to relieve jet lag might be due to its sleep-promoting ability, since flying through multiple time zones can cause sleep problems.

SOURCE/REFERENCE: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism October 2000

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