Friday, December 13, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealthcare and InformationHearing problems 'should not be ignored'

Hearing problems ‘should not be ignored’

Anti-aging physicians advise that unlike age-related hearing loss, sudden hearing problems in younger people should be investigated for a particular medical cause.

Anti-aging physicians advise that unlike age-related hearing loss, sudden hearing problems in younger people should be investigated for a particular medical cause.

It is important for younger people experiencing symptoms of hearing difficulty to see their doctor immediately.

A spokesperson for UK hearing charity RNID said: "If someone notices that they have difficulty hearing or following what people are saying – or if they develop persistent tinnitus (ringing, whistling or buzzing in the ears or head) – they should not delay seeing their family physician."

"When young people develop hearing problems there is usually a particular cause – unlike age-related hearing loss," she maintained.

According to a recent report from RNID, 90 per cent of young people experience the signs of hearing damage after a night out, yet do nothing to prevent it.

Figures show that 70 per cent of club-goers, 68 per cent of people who go to music gigs and 44 per cent of those who go to bars experience the symptoms of hearing damage afterwards, such as dullness of hearing or tinnitus – ringing in the ears.ADNFCR-1506-ID-18610549-ADNFCR


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