Garlic has been renowned for its medicinal
properties throughout history. It is referred to
in both the Bible and the Talmud, and Hippocrates, Galen, and Dioscorides all mention the
use of garlic for many conditions, including parasites,
respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. By
1500 BC, the Egyptians had identified 22 different uses
for garlic ranging from headaches to general physical weakness. Today, the herb figures in a
seemingly endless array of remedies for everything from
insect bites and fever to intestinal ailments. The main
active ingredient of garlic is the sulfur compound allicin,
produced by crushing or chewing fresh garlic, which in turn produces other sulfur compounds, including ajoene, allyl sulfides, and vinyldithiins.
Garlic contains amino acids, various vitamins
and trace minerals, flavonoids, enzymes,
and at least 200 additional compounds. Researchers have
documented garlic’s potential to reduce heart attacks
by lowering the levels of blood fats,
including triglycerides and LDL
(“bad”) cholesterol, and raising “good” HDL cholesterol
levels. In one recent study, Russian researchers determined
that garlic’s beneficial effects on cardiovascular
health could be attributed to both direct actions on the walls of heart arteries and to
indirect preventive actions at the cellular level. In other
words, garlic is a doublebarrelled weapon against heart
disease. Numerous studies also indicate that garlic
can boost immunity, balance blood sugar, and prevent digestive ailments (it may also help the liver to neutralize toxins). Among the most
active medicinal compounds are dozens of sulfur compounds
found in few other plants; these are thought to be
responsible for garlic’s documented antibacterial
(Louis Pasteur confirmed the antibacterial action of the bulb in 1858), antiviral, antifungal, and other healthful roperties. Research published in 2001 suggests that allicin, the main
active ingredient of garlic, could be useful in the fight
against potentially fatal hospital acquired infections.
Researchers found that that topical creams containing just
32 parts per million (ppm) of allicin inhibited the growth of 30 different samples of the antibiotic-resistant bacterium methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and that concentrations of 256 ppm were enough to
kill the bacteria. Meanwhile results of another study
revealed that people who took a daily allicin-containing
garlic supplement were more than 50% less likely to
catch a cold. Furthermore, those taking the supplement whom were unlucky enough to catch a cold
tended to recover much more quickly and were significantly
less likely to become re-infected with the disease.
Epidemiological studies have shown that eating garlic regularly can reduce the risk of
developing esophageal, stomach, and colon cancers. This is partly attributable to garlic’s
ability to prevent the formation of carcinogenic
compounds. Animal and in vitro studies have also demonstrated that the sulfur compounds found in garlic can inhibit the growth of different
types of cancer, in particular breast and skin tumors.
Garlic is available fresh or juiced, as well as
in tablets, capsules, and tinctures. Odor-controlled
powders, concentrates, and capsules are
popular forms, as are enteric-coated tablets (which have a
coating that prevents the destruction of active compounds by
stomach acids). Supplement manufacturers are increasingly standardizing their products for
desirable garlic compounds (principally one called allicin,
but also total sulfur, allin, and S-allyl cysteine), but
debate rages on as to which of these compounds are most
important and which ormulations are most effective. The potency of garlic products may be
described in terms of fresh or whole garlic equivalent; an
average dose is 1,500 to 1,800mg of fresh garlic equivalent,
approximately equal to eating one-half clove of fresh
garlic. To fight infection, 3 or 4 chopped, crushed or chewed cloves should be consumed per day
or, in supplement form (1.3% allicin), 600-900 mg divided
into 2-3 doses/day. Read labels.
MAXIMUM SAFE LEVEL: Not established
Garlic is extremely safe but taking very large
daily doses (more than 10g) of some products may cause flatulence, stomach irritation, or indigestion. Because of garlic’s anti-clotting properties, persons taking anticoagulant drugs, such
as Warfarin and Ticlopidine, should check with their doctor
before taking garlic. In addition, people scheduled for
surgery should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplements Women should avoid taking
garlic supplements during pregnancy as laboratory studies
suggest that they may cause irregular uterine contractions.