Sunday, September 15, 2024

Feed Your Muscles

Sufficient consumption of quality dietary protein can address aging-related muscle loss.

Sarcopenia is the decline in muscle strength associated with aging.  Paul Jacques, from Tufts University (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues report that sarcopenia may be successfully addressed by sufficient consumption of quality dietary protein, combined with a regimen of physical activity (aerobic exercise, as well as resistance training).  Sources of quality protein include dairy products (skim milk and lowfat yogurt), and eggs.

Maya Vadiveloo, Marc Scott, Paula Quatromoni, Paul Jacques, Niyati Parekh.  “Trends in dietary fat and high-fat food intakes from 1991 to 2008 in the Framingham Heart Study participants.”  British Journal of Nutrition; Volume  111,  Issue 04, February 2014, pp 724 – 734.


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