When administered properly, in many cases essential oils can be an effective alternative to antibiotic drugs. Essential oils are some of the most powerful antibacterial agents known to man. Essential oil therapy has been part of the mainstream European healthcare system for 120 years. Medicinally applied pure essential oils are extremely beneficial in every area of health and complement all healthcare treatments. Essential oils have no toxic side effects and are generally broadspectrum, meaning they benefit multiple areas of the body at once.
Although it has been proven that essential oils have antimicrobial activity, it would be presumptuous to speculate to what extent they have provided real protection throughout history against the plague or cholera and syphilis. It is possible, although purely speculative, that essential oils protected against secondary infections with bacteria, fungi or viruses and lent support to the body’s own healing processes. Essential oils jump into the cell walls of the bacteria and cut off the oxygen, thus stopping the formation of energy within the cells and killing them. Essential oils attack the whole pathogen, not just a specific aspect of the organism. This is commonly thought to be why we do not develop a resistance to the effects of essential oils.
Essential oil therapy has some contraindications therefore, it is important to inform the practitioner of any medical conditions or medications. Pregnant women should not use certain essential oils.