Examining data involving 820,900 subjects enrolled in 97 published studies, John Danesh, from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), and colleagues in the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration report that diabetes not only doubles vascular death risk, but also substantially raises risk of death from nonvascular causes, including cancer and infectious diseases. The team examined 12.3 million person-years of mortality follow-up for individuals without a history of vascular disease at enrollment in the 97 studies. They found that the subjects with diabetes were 80% more likely to die from any cause during the study periods, after adjusting for confounding factors. The researchers found that diabetics were at 2.32-fold higher adjusted risk of death from vascular causes, as compared to nondiabetic counterparts ; as well, diabetes were at significantly elevated risk of death from cancer and other nonvascular, noncancer causes – including pneumonia and other infectious diseases, mental disorders, nervous system disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Diabetes Raises Risks of Death from All Causes

Analysis of 97 studies involving 820,900 subjects finds that diabetes and fasting blood sugars >100 mg/dL associate with increased all-cause mortality.
The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration. ” Diabetes Mellitus, Fasting Glucose, and Risk of Cause-Specific Death.” N Engl J Med 2011; 364:829-841, March 3, 2011.