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HomeCancerCompound found to stop the progression of breast cancer

Compound found to stop the progression of breast cancer

A study has found that the compound indole-3-carbinol (I3C), common in broccoli and cabbage, lowers the activity of an enzyme known to be associated with aggressive forms of breast cancer.


Scientists from the University of California, Berkley have discovered that a molecule found in 13C called diindolymethane (DIM) – a chemoprotective compound – is a better choice for women who have rapidly advancing breast cancer than taking an oral dose of 13C. Past research had found that 13C is chemically instable and rapidly converts into DIM and other molecules. When taken orally, very little of it is available to elicit a biological response. On the other hand, DIM offers a much safer predicable response than the compounds derived from 13C.

DIM works to stop breast cancer through a process called hormone modulation, which refers to its ability to impact the role of hormones. As Barbara Minton, Editor of Natural News, writes in her column,  “DIM is the only phytonutrient able to modify estrogen metabolism in the direction of greater 2-hydroxy estrogen production. Improper metabolism of estrogen allows for oxidation and damage to DNA. It also spurs the growth of estrogen sensitive cancers.”  By eating cruciferous vergetables such as broccoli, or by taking DIM supplements, women with breast cancer can reduce the growth promoting activity of unbalanced estrogen. And in fact, in those societies that have diets rich in vegetables, there is a lower incidence of breast cancer and other estrogen-related cancers.

As Minton notes in her column, American women with breast cancer are never told about the link between eating cruciferous vegetables and halting the spread of cancer. “They are also not told how easily they can halt the spread of their cancers by taking supplements of DIM.” Studies have demonstrated DIM’s ability to increase the production of 2-hydroxy estrogen by 75 percent, while decreasing the production of 16-hydroxy estrone by 50 percent. The result is the proper balance of estrogen to estrone needed to halt cancer and prevent its recurrence. Says Minton: “If women were told the truth, they would know that their own natural estrogen is not their enemy when it is properly balanced and metabolized.”

News Release: Supplements of DIM stop many cancers in their tracks  March 10, 2009


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