Needles are placed in a certain order to stimulate nerves that regulate energy and metabolism and other factors which affect health. Treatments can be used all over the body to treat and prevent a variety of conditions. Weight loss acupuncture needles are primarily used on the thyroid, mouth, spleen, stomach, endocrine glands, lungs, and kidneys.
Acupuncture needles are inserted about ¼ – ½ inch into the skin, depending on acupuncture style and effects desired. There is some controversy over whether acupuncture will help weight loss, with research providing evidence to both sides of spectrum. Thousand is years of anecdotal evidence helps to keep the practice alive, particularly for those trying to lose weight.
Weight loss can be aided by regulating hormone production, optimizing digestion, reducing inflammation, improving metabolism, lessening water retention, suppressing appetite, and optimizing other body functions related to obesity and weight.
The hunger hormones ghrelin which tells the body its hungry and leptin which tells the body its full can be manipulated by acupuncture, curbing your appetite, snacking and overeating habits.
Kidney and stomach acupuncture points may improve functions of the digestive system and increase the amount of nutrients that are taken in by the body by preventing slow digestion and improving gut health, relieving constipation, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues that may keep a person sedentary and lead to fat deposition.
Metabolism can be slowed down by tension or inflammation in muscles, gut, or other tissues in the body, putting strain on the immune system impacting digestion and heart health. Relieving tension and regulating immune responses for the body acupuncture for weight loss can lower oxidative stress and help to optimize the body for weight loss.
Water retention can be stopped via stimulation of the nerves of the kidney and endocrine system, which is a quick way to lose weight, and help keep it off, by preventing the body from storing excess water.
Acupuncture of the shenmen and spleen effectively balance hormone levels promoting healthy functions from cognition to digestion, to healing and immune system functions.
Stimulating the thyroid area boosts functions of the pituitary gland in areas related to metabolism, which can increase rate of fat burning which is ideal for weight loss.
Acupuncture induces the release of endorphins within the body which can eliminate anxiety and stress. Many overeat under stress, this method will help to eliminate those urges.
Acupuncture for weight loss is able to provide long lasting relief without need of crash diets, invasive surgery, medications, and excessive exercise, requiring small amounts of energy, moderate amount of time, and willingness to trust in traditional medicine. Acupuncture helps to align the body with weight loss goals through the effects on metabolism and hormones, BUT it does not replace the requirement to exercise and eat properly.
There can be some potential side effects to using acupuncture for weight loss such as fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, soreness, worsening of symptoms, and muscle spasms among others, which are mostly short lived typically fading within a day or two at most.