Tocootrienols are a form of Vitamin E, abundant in annatto – derived from the seeds of the achiote trees of tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Malaysian researchers employed a rat model of postmenopause, to which a dose of tocotrienols (human equivalent of 420 mg) was administered on a daily basis. The team observed that the compound raised key markers of bone formation – osteoblasts, osteocalcin, and osteoid biosynthesis. As well, tocotrienols decreased the breakdown of bone proteins and the extent of bone surface erosion.
Vitamin E Tocotrienols May Enhance Bone Health
A form of Vitamin E, tocotrienols derived from annatto may raise bone formation activity, in a lab animal model.
Abdul-Majeed A., Mohamed N., Soelaiman IN. “Effects of tocotrienol and lovastatin combination on osteoblast and osteoclast activity in estrogen-deficient osteoporosis.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; doi: 10.1155/2012/960742.