Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a chronic condition that may be a contributor to heart disease, stroke, and other diseases that can result in premature death. Hsiang-Ching Kung, from the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, and colleagues reports that the overall death rate from hypertension in the US has increased by 23% since 2000, despite the death rate from all other causes dropping by 21%. Further, between 2000 and 2005, among those ages 85 and older deaths due to hypertension were increased by 27.5% (men) and 23% (women). Writing that: “This report reveals a continued rise in the hypertension-related death rate during the 2000–2013 period,” the study authors write that: “the increasing trend was seen in both women and men aged 45–65 and 85 and over. The rate was the highest for those aged 85 and over.”
Spike in BP-Related Deaths
The overall death rate from hypertension (high blood pressure) in the US has increased by 23% since 2000, despite the death rate from all other causes dropping by 21%.
Hsiang-Ching Kung, Jiaquan Xu. “Hypertension-related Mortality in the United States, 2000–2013.” US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief: No. 193, March 2015.