HomeAnti-AgingAnti-Aging Research ScienceSenolytics Improve Physical Function And Increase Lifespan

Senolytics Improve Physical Function And Increase Lifespan

Typically physical function declines with age, portending disability, increased health expenditures, and mortality. With age cellular senescence leads to tissue dysfunction and may contribute to the consequences of aging, whether it directly drives age related pathology and can be used as a therapeutic target remains unclear.

In young mice transplanting small amount of senescent cells was observed to be sufficient enough to cause persistent physical dysfunction as well as the spreading of cellular senescence into host tissues. Older mice recipients transplanted with lesser amounts were observed to have had the same effect and was accompanied by decreased survival indicating potency of senescent cells in shortening life and healthspans.

Dasatinib and quercetin decreased the number of naturally occurring senescent cells and their secretion of frailty related proinflammatory cytokines in explants of human adipose tissues. Intermittent oral administration of the senolytic cocktail to senescent cell transplanted young mice and naturally aged mice was observed to alleviated physical dysfunction and increase post treatment survival by 36% while decreasing mortality hazard to 65%.

Researchers suggest their study has demonstrated proof of concept that senescent cells can cause physical dysfunction, reduce survival, and enhance remaining health and lifespans in mice studies.