A staple of folk medicine for centuries, olive
leaves have been used for tea or chopped up as a salad ingredient. Olive leaf extract is now
recognized for its ability to fight viral and bacterial infections. The plant chemical
oleuropein is the source of olive leaf’s infection-
fighting ability. Oleuopein interferes with the production of amino acids that are essential to
bacteria and viruses:
Oleuropein lowers blood pressure and
dilates the coronary arteries when given to animals intravenously. Furthermore, in
vitro studies revealed that oleuropein inhibits the oxidation of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol.
Combined, these facts may help to explain why the traditional Mediterranean diet is linked to a
decreased risk of atherosclerosis. Studies have indicated
that olive leaf extract can kill the
antibiotic-resistant, and potentially fatal, bacteria
staphylococcus aureus. Olive leaf may also be useful in
fighting HIV and AIDS. In addition to its
antimicrobial effects, oleuropein is also considered a
strong antioxidant.
Dried leaf extracts containing 6-15% oleuropein
are available, however a standard therapeutic amount has not been established.
MAXIMUM SAFE LEVEL: Not established
Olive leaf can irritate the stomach lining;
therefore, it should always be taken with meals. Pregnant women should not take olive leaf
extract as safety during pregnancy has not yet been established.