The most common joint disease among Americans, osteoarthritis is a condition where the natural cushioning between joints – the cartilage – wears away. Because symptom management is often ineffective and joint replacement is invasive surgery, many osteoarthritis suffers seek natural approaches. Grapes are rich in anti-inflammatory polyphenols, compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation. Shanil Juma, from Texas Woman’s University (Texas, USA), and colleagues conducted a sixteen week clinical study, in which 72 men and women with knee osteoarthritis were assigned to either consume grapes in the form of a whole grape freeze-dried powder, or a placebo powder. The data revealed that both men and women consuming a grape-enriched diet had a significant decrease in self-reported pain related to activity and an overall decrease in total knee symptoms – notably, improved joint flexibility and overall mobility. This beneficial effect was more pronounced in females. Additionally, age-related differences were observed: there was a 70% increase in very hard activity for those under 64 years of age consuming the grape powder, while those receiving the placebo reported a significant decrease in very hard activity. Attributing these observed benefits to the polyphenols found in grapes, the lead investigator comments that: “These findings provide promising data that links grape consumption to two very important outcomes for those living with knee osteoarthritis: reduced pain and improvements in joint flexibility.”
Grapes May Alleviate Arthritis

Consuming grapes may confer benefits for knee osteoarthritis.
Rebecca Small, Casey Tiernan, Young Hoo Kwon, Rene Paulson, Victorine Imrhan, Shanil Juma, et al. “Age-associated effect of freeze-dried grape powder on inflammatory markers and physical activity in adults with knee osteoarthritis” [Abstract 1025.8]. FASEB J., April 2014; 28:1025.8.