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Google Search for ‘Depression’ Now Brings Testing

Web search giant Google is partnering with a major mental health advocacy group to make depression screening a part of your search for all things 'depression' on the site.

“As President of the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine I applaud Google for taking a positive step to help identify depression. Even though this is not a real clinical diagnosis, it’s still a great first step to bring AI to someone with a possible real need, and then introduce that person in need to a medical professional. Identifying Depression early warning signs could prevent serious tragedies. Google may very well save lives. We all just have to remember this isn’t a diagnosis but simply a test that might reveal clues that identify a real problem. As physicians, ultimately, we have to be problem solvers,” Dr. Ronald Klatz,  President of the A4M.

Web search giant Google is partnering with a major mental health advocacy group to make depression screening a part of your search for all things ‘depression’ on the site.

In a Google blog post, the company said, “Now when you search for ‘clinical depression’ on Google on mobile, you’ll see a Knowledge Panel that will give you the option to tap ‘check if you’re clinically depressed,’ which will bring you to PHQ-9, a clinically validated screening questionnaire to test what your likely level of depression may be.”

The results in themselves are not a diagnosis, but can be taken to a doctor for a more proper assessment.

Google is partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to help ensure that the questionnaire “is accurate and useful,” the company added.

In their own news release, NAMI noted that about one in every five Americans will experience an episode of depression in their lifetime, but only half actually get treated. “To help raise awareness of this condition, we’ve teamed up with Google to help provide more direct access to tools and information to people who may be suffering,” NAMI said.

The Knowledge Panel that pops up on the Google search provides information on the signs and potential treatments for depression. And, “by tapping ‘Check if you’re clinically depressed,’ you can take this private self-assessment to help determine your level of depression and the need for an in-person evaluation. The results of the PHQ-9 can help you have a more informed conversation with your doctor,” NAMI said.

According to the group, people with depression commonly wait an average of six to eight years before they get treatment. “We hope that by making this information available on Google, more people will become aware of depression and seek treatment to recover and improve their quality of life,” NAMI said.

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Dr. Ronald Klatz, DO, MD President of the A4M has 28,000 Physician Members, has trained over 150,000 Physicians, health professionals and scientists in the new specialty of Anti-aging medicine. Estimates of their patients numbering in the 100’s of millions World Wide that are living better stronger, healthier and longer lives.


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