Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeEnvironmentExposure To Cleaning Products Decreases Lung Function

Exposure To Cleaning Products Decreases Lung Function

Women who frequently use cleaning products are more prone to the risks of deteriorated lung function according to a study published in the American Thoracic Societyu2019s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. u00a0 years

In a study conducted at the University of Bergen that analyzed data obtained from 6,235 participants who were followed for 20 years starting at the average age of 34 years old. Findings showed that the forced expiratory volume in one second of air exhaled decreased 3.9% faster in women who worked as cleaners and 3.6% faster in women who cleaned at home as compared to women who did not engage in cleaning. Forced vital capacity of air exhaled decreased by 7.1 ml/year in cleaners and 4.3 ml/year in home cleaners. Women working as cleaners decreased lung function was similar to women smoking 20 packets of cigarettes a year.


Impaired lung function was said to be caused by the irritation on the mucous membranes lining the airways resulting in persistent changes, remodeling the airways in the long run. FEV1 to FVC deterioration ratio was not found to occur more rapidly in women who cleaned, this is the metric used to diagnose and monitor for COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It was found that asthma was more frequent by 13.7% in when who worked cleaning and by 12.3% in those who cleaned at home. The study did not find whether or not men suffered greater declines. Factors such as smoking history, education, and BMI were considered.


Limitations were that few women who worked as cleaners did not also clean at home, and there was a very limited amount of men who worked as cleaners with the cleaning agents they were exposed to being different than that of the women.


In short cleaning chemicals i the long run can cause damage to your lungs. It is recommended to use microfiber cloths with a water and vinegar solution as replacement, and that public health officials regulate cleaning products encouraging manufacturers to produce safer cleaning products that can’t be inhaled.


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ATS Journals

Note: Content may be edited for style and length


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