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Eat Smart to Avoid Stroke

Systematic review reaffirms the benefits of increased dietary consumption of fruits and vegetables to help reduce a person's risk of stroke.

It is estimated that as many as 80% of strokes are preventable by addressing lifestyle factors – most notably nutrition.  Ayesha Sherzai, from Loma Linda University (California, USA), and colleagues completed a systematic review of current medical literature on the interaction of nutrients in the risk of stroke. The team observed that higher intakes of fruits and vegetables exert a protective effect against stroke, with a significant reduction occurring with consumption of 3 to 5 servings per day. As well, the researchers found that adherence to DASH (low-salt) and Mediterranean dietary patterns reduced stroke risk as well, whereas the Western dietary pattern was associated with increased stroke risk.

Ayesha Sherzai, Lauren T Heim, Cassaundra Boothby, A Dean Sherzai. "Stroke, food groups, and dietary patterns: a systematic review."  Nutrition Reviews.  Volume 70, Issue 8, August 2012, Pages: 423–435.


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