Known for its importance in bone and muscle health, milk may benefit the brain as well. In-Young Choi, from the University of Kansas Medical Center (Kansas, USA), and colleagues enrolled 60 healthy men and women, mean age 68.7 years), in a study in which subjects were asked about their diets in the days leading up to brain scans, which the team employed to monitor levels of glutathione – a potent antioxidant – in the brain. The researchers found that participants who had indicated they had drank milk recently had higher levels of glutathione in their brains. Writing that: “Higher cerebral glutathione concentrations were associated with greater dairy consumption in older adults,” the study authors submit that: “dairy foods may serve as a good source of substrates for glutathione synthesis in the human brain.”
Dairy Compound May Protect the Brain

Milk raises the level of glutathione u2013 an antioxidant u2013 in the brain, among older men and women.
Choi IY, Lee P, Denney DR, Spaeth K, Nast O, Ptomey L, Roth AK, Lierman JA, Sullivan DK. “Dairy intake is associated with brain glutathione concentration in older adults.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Feb;101(2):287-93.