HomeBrain and Mental PerformanceHeadacheCombating Headaches Naturally

Combating Headaches Naturally

Headaches can be a real pain making work difficult and relaxing pretty much impossible, even little things becoming annoyances. Common headaches most of the time can be warded of with a few painkillers, but there are other solutions that can work for those that wish to do things using a more natural route.

Human have been suffering with headaches throughout history and have found a wide range of natural remedies, some working great while others not so much. It is recommended if you are suffering regular, or debilitating headaches to seek advice from your general practitioner.


Tension headaches are fairly common with symptoms consisting of a constant ache or pressure that may envelope much of the head, pain is typically most severe around the temples or back of head, sometimes even stretching down the neck. Most will reach for ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or aspirin pretty much right away. Before medicating try simply drinking a glass of water. Studies show that the most common cause of headache is dehydration. Drinking a glass of water is proven to alleviate most tension headaches within as little as 30 minutes.


Migraines are tough, once they start most are in for a rough ride for the next few hours. They include deep throbbing pain almost like it is trying to break out of your skull, sensitivity to sound and light, as well as nausea and vomiting as common symptoms. There are things you can do to help prevent one such as getting more fiber, vitamin B2 and omega-3, and increasing the amount of magnesium in your diet. Unfortunately nothing can stops these, but taking steps to decrease the risks has been proven to help.


Cluster headaches which are often called suicide headaches because they have earned the reputation of driving victims to suicide, on the pain scale are pretty much the worst agony a person is physically able to experience, making childbirth look delightful. Symptoms are distinct with searing hot pain behind the eyes or one side of the face coming in clusters last for days to months even. It is not understood what causes these, but use of oxygen therapy along with Verapamil, Methysergide, and Sumatriptan is widely used. Natural treatments such as Capsaicin therapy has potential to reduce symptoms. Japanese arrowroot reduces intensity of attacks and is popular among sufferers, with research supporting the drop in intensity and frequency.


Sinus headaches can last up to 2-3 weeks, they are common and are typically linked to respiratory infections as a result of sinus inflammation, making it feel like you have a cold yet your face is burning, it may also be accompanied by fever and pain and/or swelling around forehead, eyes, and cheeks. Typically antibiotics, antihistamines, or decongestants are prescribed to clear these up. But for those wanting to avoid medications it is recommended to apply warmth to the affected area for a few minutes several times a day, inhale steam from hot water to clear up congestion, some even flush sinuses with saline solution or neti pots. Saline washes have been proven effective.


In most cases there are natural remedies which can be used for headaches, and should be the first line of defense rather than automatically jumping on prescription use adding to the world’s growing chronic antibiotic overuse contributing to pharmaceutical resistance. If symptoms last more than 2-3 weeks it is suggested to consult with a general practitioner and discuss the possibility of antibiotics. It is also suggested  if suffering regular, or debilitating headaches to also seek advice from your general practitioner as there may be underlying causes.



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The Alternative Daily

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