
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Within hours of giving birth, human and animal mothers secrete colostrum as a prelude to breast milk. It gives newborns a "vaccination" of antibodies, immune system protection, and growth factors. Whole colostrum is preferred over defatted colostrum because fat is necessary to assist in transporting colostrum protein into the bloodstream.


Within hours of giving birth, human and animal mothers secrete colostrum as a prelude to breast milk. It gives newborns a “vaccination” of antibodies, immune system protection, and growth factors. Whole colostrum is preferred over defatted colostrum because fat is necessary to assist in transporting colostrum protein into the bloodstream. Colostrum is now available in capsules that contain its immune proteins in dry form.


In addition to its immune system enhancing benefits there is some evidence that colostrum may help to protect the stomach from damage caused by anti-inflammatory drugs. In a study in rats, researchers found that treatment with 0.5 or 1.0 ml of a colostrum preparation reduced NSAIDinduced gastric injury by 30% and 60%, respectively (whether colostrum has a similar effect upon humans remains to be determined). Colostrum may also be of benefit to people with short bowel syndrome, chemotherapy-induced mouth ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease. However there is no conclusive scientific evidence to prove colostrum’s effectiveness in treating these conditions.


1,000 to 4,000 mg per day of freeze-dried colostrum is often recommended by manufacturers.

MAXIMUM SAFE LEVEL: Not established


No significant side effects of colostrums have been established.