Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeHealth TipsCoconuts and Alzheimer’s

Coconuts and Alzheimer’s

When a woman started to take her 88 year old mother out of a nursing home and care for herafter watching her condition deteriorate as she was not responding well to the environmentthere, her mother had been diagnosed with stage 6 Alzheimeru2019s, she decided to make simplechanges in her motheru2019s routine to try and ease some of her symptoms.

When a woman started to take her 88 year old mother out of a nursing home and care for her
after watching her condition deteriorate as she was not responding well to the environment
there, her mother had been diagnosed with stage 6 Alzheimer’s, she decided to make simple
changes in her mother’s routine to try and ease some of her symptoms. She decided to become
her ailing mother’s full time primary caregiver, it was the hardest decision in her life, but she had
to remove her from what she felt was a toxic environment and care for her at home, which was
probably the best choice she could have ever made. She simple changes she made had almost
immediate responses that were inspiring.

Stage 6 Alzheimer’s is known as the stage of severe decline in which most will need constant
help and supervision with pretty much all activities in day to day life. For 2 years her mother
couldn’t remember people, their names, faces, she struggled to talk and even remember words.
Reading had become close to impossible due to her memory problems. Communication had
become a very real, and difficult struggle for her mother.

After reading about the benefits of coconut oil, which she had become familiar with herself, she
started to begin to liberally apply coconut oil twice a day after bathing her mother every morning,
and again before bedtime each night. Within 5 days she began to notice immediate changes
that were improvements in her mother’s condition that were inspiring. Her mother was able to
communicate again, and was able to read out loud once more only struggling with a few words,
she started to remember names of people she hadn’t in years.

Though these results may not be typical and may seem shocking, they should not be a surprise
given all the recent results of various published studies findings. Including a Spanish trial,
published in 2015 by Nutricion Hospitalaria, that published effects of coconut oil being used to
treat patients with Alzheimer’s in which patients were put into 2 control groups, one of which
was giving 40ml of coconut oil daily. Both groups were of varying ages and gender of people
with various stages of Alzheimer’s with and without diabetes, one control group didn’t receive
coconut oil while the other did. The study concluded that there was a significant increase in the
test scores showing improved cognitive function in the group which had been receiving coconut
oil, clearly demonstrating potentially powerful effects that are positive and inspiring for patients
that are struggling with Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Mary Newport had similar results with her husband and published her husband’s recovery
online that went viral, and also published a book called Alzheimer’s Disease: What if There Was
a Cure? Between her internet coverage and book, it started a movement with people who have
early symptoms of dementia trying to help themselves and relatives diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
that has generated a massive influx of success stories and testimonial reports.

Coconut is widely used by people around the world in many ways as it has been shown to have
amazing health benefits. Additionally, it’s tasty and can add a bit of zip to bland water.

Sources Include:

Organic and Healthy
Natural News old-woman- recovering-from- alzheimers-and- diabetes-
using-coconut- oil/ oil-improves- cognitive-functioning- in-alzheimers-


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