Previously, a number of studies suggest a contributory role of beverages in stroke risk. Pavla Kadlecova, from St. Anne’s University Hospital (Czech Republic), and colleagues followed 11,644 middle-aged Swedish twins for 43 years. Data analysis revealed that those subjects who drank 2 or more alcoholic beverage a day were at 34% higher risk of stroke, as compared to those who drank less than half an alcoholic beverage daily. Among men and women in their 50s and 60s, those who drank 2 or more alcoholic beverage a day were likely to have a stroke 5 years earlier in life, regardless of genetic and other contributing factors. The study authors report that: “Stroke-risk associated with heavy drinking ([over]2 drinks/d) in midlife seems to predominate over well-known risk factors, hypertension and diabetes, until the age of [approximately] 75 years and may shorten time to stroke by 5 years above and beyond covariates and genetic/early-life factors. Alcohol consumption should be considered an age-varying risk factor for stroke.”
Alcohol Accelerates Stroke Risk

Two or more alcoholic beverages a day may markedly raise stroke risk, among middle-aged men and women.
Kadlecova P, Andel R, Mikulík R, Handing EP, Pedersen NL. “Alcohol Consumption at Midlife and Risk of Stroke During 43 Years of Follow-Up: Cohort and Twin Analyses.” Stroke. 2015 Jan 29. pii.