AgeTech In TIME

Everyone and all companies can benefit from being listed in TIME magazine, and it is interesting to see that AgeTech applications are already scaling up via some of the leading American retailers. TIME magazine gathers nominations for its Best Inventions annual list of things that care making the world better, smarter, and even a bit more fun. It was a pleasant surprise to see so many AgeTech inventions make this year's cut, demonstrating that solving age-old issues can most certainly tap into the silver tsunami economy as well as push the envelope for anti-aging and longevity.

As to be expected the AgeTech market is on the rise; the European Commission expects the AgeTech market to reach $8.5 trillion in Europe alone by 2025. Dr. Lorrain Moley the lead of AgeTech Accelerator UK at Allia recent spoke about the Healthy Aging Investment Accelerator, and a few of the technologies that they were happy to see make the TIME listing with Longevity Technology. 

Moley was pleased to see that Stevie made the TIME Best Inventions list, this is a socially assistive robot that is designed for care homes, as did TytoHome the handheld device geared to helping limit visits by healthcare professionals by measuring the user’s vital signs, examining lungs, ears, skin and throat with a special adapter then transmits findings to a clinician and provides video conferencing with a doctor. 

TytoHome announced a deal with American electronics retailer Best Buy this past April to offer their products exclusively on the retailer’s website and in select stores; for a cost of $300 consumers can purchase the handheld examination device which will enable them to use remote diagnosis of medical issues such as fevers, ear infections, allergies, rashes, and upper respiratory infections, as well as consult with a primary care provider. 

Moley predicts a bright future for iN which is a device that can be mounted on the wall either in a hospital room, care home, or consumer’s home, it combines a series of sensors and artificial intelligence to enable monitoring of an individual’s wellbeing and alert medical staff if required.

Livio AI also made the list, this is a smart hearing aid which is embedded with sensors an artificial intelligence that allows the device to function as a smart assistant, detect falls, alert care givers, track physical activity, and monitor how often the user talks to other people throughout the day. This device may be useful in the fight against loneliness and isolation. 

The OrCam MyEye 2 is another AgeTech smart invention that has made the TIME list, these are so-called taking glasses. These devices enable artificial intelligence to be attached to the frame of any glasses, and it is able to identify faces, currency, read text, and information from barcodes aloud to the user; an updated more sophisticated version should be available next year.

Joining the AgeTech smart technology to make the TIME cut is WeWALK, this device connects to the internet of things via a smart cane that detects objects in the field of movement, and it pairs up with apps such as Google maps to allow users to navigate digitally. 

AgeTech smart technology and wearables are fast becoming popular and making headlines, the TIME Best Inventions list is no exception. Omron Healthcare has integrated a blood pressure monitor into a watch. This wearable tech also measures sleep and activity, it was designed with the goal of helping people to keep track of cardiovascular health as easily as putting on their watch.