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How to Reduce body fat and have a firm body

By ndelgado at April 7, 2016, 5:30 p.m., 15126 hits

Work out fast, hard, limit the rest between sets to less than 15 seconds. Eat whole fruit and vegetables as often as you feel slightly empty or hungry. Optimize your hormones with Testosterone support and clear harmful estrogen metabolites. Always observe being to sleep early and keep love in your life. For more details and the best steps to fat reduction visit this site:


Posts [ 2 ] | Last post April 7, 2016, 5:30 p.m.
#1 - April 7, 2016, 5:27 p.m.
Nick Delgado, PhD, ABAAHP, CHT

see this to reduce body fat and look great:

#2 - April 7, 2016, 5:30 p.m.
Nick Delgado, PhD, ABAAHP, CHT

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Presented by: Nick Delgado, PhD and ABAAHP (American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners).
Additional credentials: World strength endurance champion, director of the Pritikin Better Health Plan 1978-1980, lifestyle medicine expert, author of 10 books, and host of Simply Healthy TV (
Research contributors include renowned athletes: Carl Lewis, Mike Mentzer, Bill Pearl, and Jeff Life, MD, Megan Ashton.

There are many myths surrounding protein requirements, many of which are based on outdated studies that were sponsored by the meat and dairy industry. This talk will look at past and present studies and world literature in order to debunk these myths and confirm that plant-based proteins really are superior to animal-based proteins.

In this talk, Dr. Delgado will examine and answer the following questions:

- Are animal-based proteins the best and only source of ‘complete’ protein?

- Are animal proteins superior to plant proteins?

- Are plant proteins missing essential amino acids?

- Do we have to combine certain plant proteins in order to get a ‘complete’ protein?

- Why have we been led to believe that plant proteins are incomplete?

- Where did the above myth come from, and why is it continuously perpetuated?

- How much protein do we really require daily and what is the simple and effective formula for calculating your ideal protein intake?

- Will 30 to 40 grams of protein from whole foods daily meet most everyone's needs?

- If one were to evaluate protein supplements on the market, what would be the conclusion of safety and efficacy?

- What are the dangers and effects of excess animal proteins on bones, kidneys, and malignant-mutated cells?

- How do factors such as age, exercise, athleticism, illness, and gender affect your protein requirements?

- During illness or recovery, what is the optimum intake of protein, and what foods, supplements and support enzymes can assist in the body’s recovery during rest, sleep, and after exercise?

- How do hormones such as testosterone, human growth hormone, and insulin affect protein utilization, strength and muscle building?

- What is the optimum spacing of food intake to get the best absorption, nitrogen retention and benefit?

- What unique nutrient is contained in raw yams, and how does consuming yams enhance protein building?

If you’re looking for proof that plant-based proteins can supply you with all of the necessary nutrients, just consider the fact that a large portion of the world’s population meet their protein requirements through a plant-based diet. The foundation for protein requirements and the myth that animal-based proteins are superior was first established in 1914, when Osborn and Mendel gave rats single food diets of either potatoes, eggs, chicken or fruit. The study was obviously flawed in two major ways. Firstly, humans consume a variety of foods and not just one single food item repeatedly. Secondly, the logic of using rats as a model for protein requirements in humans is seriously faulted. Rats grow to full size in less than nine weeks, whereas humans require nearly 18 years to reach full maturity.

The study was later repeated with the use of human milk, which contains just 5.7% protein as compared to rats’ milk which contains 25% protein. The rats fed human milk failed to thrive and experienced stunted growth. So would we classify human milk as an incomplete or inferior protein in humans as well? Of course not! Humans grow more rapidly from birth to the time they are nearly two years of age when the principal calories are derived from human milk. These outdated and flawed studies based on the size and weight growth of the rats fed different foods led to the creation of the Protein Efficiency Ratio, or PER. Unfortunately, the PER, which falsely implies that animal protein is superior to plant protein, is still widely used today.

Osborn and Mendel may be responsible for creating the myth that animal protein is superior, but the meat and dairy industry is responsible for perpetuating this belief. Many of the medical textbooks and nutrition textbooks regarding our need for animal based proteins are based on biased studies that were sponsored by the meat and dairy industry. The prevailing idea is that we can only get sufficient protein from eggs or meat. According to these sponsored studies, one would have to consume beans with rice in order to get the missing amino acids which are necessary to our survival.

See Dr. Delgado will also examine the following studies:

- A study by Dr. Lee which showed a 20% higher absorption of nitrogen or protein when college aged students consumed rice versus chicken. Rice contains just 6% protein, which is very close in protein percentage to human breast milk.

- A study by Dr. Knape and Dr. Reddy which was conducted on children in India, aged 7 to 11. The children consumed only vegetable proteins from potatoes or wheat, and all of them grew to full size, so long as they consumed sufficient calories to provide for their growth needs.

- A study by ‘The National Academy of Sciences,’ which revealed that a pregnant woman needs just an additional 4 grams of added protein daily, and 44 grams total intake is all that is required to carry a healthy baby to term. This contradicts the commonly held belief that the average adult requires 60 grams of protein daily.

- A study conducted on 775 pregnant, vegan women and published in the ‘Southern Medical Journal.’ All of the women in the study consumed no animal products and gave birth to healthy full term infants.

- A study published in the Am J. of Clinical Nutrition, found that babies who were fed vegetable-based proteins from potatoes or wheat (both of which contain a similar protein percentage as human breast milk) grew to full size.

- An eight-week long, double blind, placebo-controlled study, reported by Brian DeSanto, that examined the effects of consuming 48 grams of rice versus 48 grams of whey protein in bodybuilders aged 21-24. There were no significant differences in muscle thickness in the rice versus the whey protein diet participants at the end of the study.

- Finally, Dr. Walter Kempner at Duke University put diabetics with failing kidneys on a rice and fruit diet with only 22 grams of protein a day, and it maintained all of the patients in a positive nitrogen balance for over one year.

Despite popular belief, these studies prove that animal-based protein is not superior to plant-based protein, nor is it needed for survival. In fact, the consumption of animal products increases the risk for a wide range of diseases including heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer. Furthermore, a basic plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, yams, beans, peas, soaked nuts and seeds, supplies at least 60 grams of protein per day on a 2,200 calorie diet, which exceeds the average adult’s protein requirement. Finally, if you’re an athlete or bodybuilder, you can consume a plant-based diet and still receive enough protein for added muscle growth by simply increasing your overall food and caloric intake.


1.Lee, C. J., et al. Nitrogen retention of young men fed rice with or without supplementary chicken. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 1971, 24:318-23.
2. Knapp, J., et al. Growth and nitrogen balance in infants fed cereal proteins. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 1973, 26: 586-90.
3. Reddy, V. Lysine supplementation of wheat and nitrogen retention of children. Am. J. Clin. Nutri., 1971, 243:1246-49.
4. Cerqueira, M. T., et al. The food and nutrient intakes of the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. Am. J. Clin. Nutri., 1979, 32:905-15.
5. Fisher, H., et al. Reassessment of amino acid requirements of young women on low nitrogen diets. I. Lysine and tryptophan, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 1969, 22: 1190-96.
6. Goldrick, R. B. et al. An assessment of coronary heart disease and coronary risk factors in a New Guinea highland population. In Atherosclerosis: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Jones R. J., ed Berlik; Springer-Verlag, 1970, pp 366-68.
7. Kempner, W. Treatment of heart and kidney disease and of hypertensive and atherosclerotic vascular disease with the rice diet. Ann. Int. Med., 1949, 31:821-56.
8. Pritikin, Nathan. The Pritikin Promise, Simon and Schuster, New York 1983.
9. Lasekan. JB., et al. Growth, tolerance and biochemical measures in healthy infants fed a partially hydrolyzed rice protein-based formula: a randomized, blinded, prospective trial. J Am Coll Nutr, 2006 Feb; 25(1):12-9.
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12. Jones R. J., ed Berlik. Atherosclerosis: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Springer-Verlag, 1970, pp 366-68.
13. Scott Jurek “Eat & Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness.” Mariner Books, April 2, 2013.
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